Saturday, August 16, 2008

To Beauvais Airport

With classes over and everyone gone, I'd decided to take a little vacation. I had gotten on the computer, and after an hour of clicking and combining, Igot myself a Ryan Air ticket to Barcelona and a room in a hostel in the Barrio Gotic.

Traveling with Ryan Air is challenge in itself. Since they're a budget airline, they don't
fly in or out of the larger airports, so getting to your plane is a trip in itself.

From the dorm, I took the metro to the Port Maillot, on the edge of the city limits. From there,
I bought a ticket for the bus, and 45 minutes later, I was on the way to Beauvais Airport. An hour-and-a-half later, I checked in and waited two hours for the plane.

For some reason, all the Ryan Air flights departed from the same gate, so the waiting area was chock-full of backpackers, stinky hippies, families on
vacation, and Germans. There are no seat assigments, so when it comes to boarding, it's pretty much a race to get a good seat (and that means both/either a window, or one far away from deodorant-deficient travelers- sometimes earthy is NOT sexy).

Being inside a RA plane is like being
inside a combination giant banana and corner store. Everything is yellow. Everything. And the yellow flight attendants walk around with their yellow carts selling snacks and beverages. That includes peanuts and water. I mean, my ticket was cheap, but not so cheap where I wouldn't be able to get some free damn pretzels or a cup of water. Or some air conditioning.

We finally arrived at the Girona Airport,
where I had to buy another bus ticket for the hour-plus ride that would get me to Barcelona. Hicthiking would have probably been faster, and some kind, and not insane, driver would have probably even given me at least a free piece of gum.

But finally,
I was there.

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