Monday, August 11, 2008

My New Room

Since I'm around for a little longer after classes are over, I asked Sister Marie-Joseph if I could stay in the dorm for the remainder of my stay. I was a little hesistant considering that a few of my program-mates were a little rowdy and the Auburn Girls on my floor are always falling down drunk, but I figured I'd give it a try anyway.

She checked around and said that it was possible, but since there would be a whole new slew of people, mostly girls from Japan, arriving in the next couple of days, I would have to share a room with a guy from Hong Kong. But for $21E a night including breakfast and dinner, I'd share a room with a monkey (but only one of those trained monkey butlers that bring you wine). Hell yeah!!

So that afternoon, I packed and moved into my new room, which now has it's own bathroom and shower. And a view of the garden, so it's cool, though I don't get to see the ponies going home anymore.

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