Friday, August 8, 2008

Class in Montmartre

In order to make up for Bastille Day, teacher's were instructed to hold an additional session of class. Carole decided to have a scavenger hunt in Montmartre instead of extending the classes for a hour each day for a week.

I went to lunch with Tien and then met the rest of the class in the courtyard of the Instute at 3pm. We then took the metro to Abbesses and started off at thePlace des Abesses, where our first task was to look at the park wall and find "I Love You"written in your native language. Since it's written every way possibe,it took a while for everyone to find it.
When everyone was done, we got our team assignments- mine consisted of Jian, Sara-Amy-Winehouse, Katia, Katia's friend, and Ghazanfar- and our task sheet. Then the rush began to find all the clues and answer the questions before the hour was up.

We started off disagreeing on what the clues meant. So after a few minutes of going up and down steps and running around in a circle (really, we we ended back at the love wall), we decided to split up the tasks and meet again minutes.

I set off with Ghazanfar, and walked/ran around the nieghborhood collecting locations including finding Dalida's statue and house, theLapin Agile, the wineyard, the house where Picasso lived, and the cafe where Amelie worked in the movie.

Vashik and Katia

The wall to the vineyard

Angry Sara and Jien. She looks like she's smiling but was really wasn't.
Bust of Dalida at Place Da.lida

Me passing the carrot/milk snack back to Tien

After a very hot hour of running around, we met at the assigned place, where a very angry Sara was pissy because we took so long, but mollified after she learnt that we had all the answers.

Then we meet the rest of the class, and had a little potluck picnic. (Tien didn't even partcipate, he just went straight to the picnic,and then he tried to pass the carrot and milk snack that the indian guys brought onto me).

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