Saturday, August 16, 2008

Back in the Barrio

I'm heading to Barcelona and Chau to London with her cousin, so we decided to get together for a quick send-off before our respective trips.

We met at Rue Mouffetard and headed to Kbanito,which was unfortunately closed, making Chau very, very sad. We ended up getting really cheesy crepes (as in "full of cheese", not "cheesy") and hanging out in the square instead.

It wasn't bad at all (except the crepes, which really were too cheesy and kinda grossed me out. From now on, dessert crepes only). It's fun to experience neighborhood square life. The area around my dorm isn't party central, and in SF there isn't that sort of central area where people congregate to hang out and eat, weather and all. It was another of those things that makes Paris feel like a small town sometimes.

We ended the evening in the best way possible, in a cafe having hot chocolate, monacos, and ice cream.

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