Friday, August 15, 2008

Julian B.

Last time I saw Julian was almost 2 years ago, right before he moved back to Paris. But I figured, why not? Let's give him a call.

We met up for a drink at a bar near Bastille, and caught up on his life. His business is doing well and has grown to 23 people, has a new girlfriend called Elsa who he's going to Ireland with, misses SF, and is plotting a global takeover. Then he recorded a little video saying hello to Sara, Karie, and Kristy.

Later we were joined by his IT guy, who was so incredibly socially akward I thought he was going to start playing Dungeons & Dragons at the table. So while he stared and thought about which Magik the Gathering card to play next, Julian gave me a tutorial on how to pick up french chicks. Aaah, good times.

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