Monday, August 11, 2008

A Little Grace Kelly

Day after the final. I was again coerced into skipping class. Though I have to say there were some really good points made:

Don: What's the use of coming to Paris, if we're not going to go see Paris? For that we could have taken french in the US.

Gina: You took the final already. Duh!


So off we went ,with Rachel and the Starbucks Lady in tow, to the Hotel de Ville to see the free Grace Kelly exhibit. It was kinda cool, they had all sorts of posters and movie clips, but most of it centered on her time as princess of Monaco. There had a nice gallery of gowns, some family clips and lots of promotional materials for Monaco, lol.

Afterwards, we split from Rachel and Starbucks to do a little shopping a BHV. Things were on solde, but still a little expensive. After lunch, Gina decided to continue
shopping and I walked back to the dorm with Don. He wanted to get some Asterix books, so after an Amorino pit-stop, we checked out the book vendors along the Seine.

After a nap, we decided
to go to the Luxemburg Gardens to read.
We went in through a different entrance and sawa couple of things we hadn't seen before, like the bee hive area. They have alittle area where the gardeners raise bees to help polinate the flowers, and as an added bonus, they sell their honey inSpetember.

Also saw this weird couple taking pictures. I doubt she was a model since he only had one of those Sony digital pocket cameras, but they were taking it really seriously. You couldn't see her face, kinda like Holly Hobbie, and I wondered if she was horribly disfigured under her hat. Like Holly Hobbie.

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