Thursday, August 21, 2008

Second Night- No Sleep

Later that evening at around 10:30, I headed over to meet Chau. I had tried to take a nap, but I was wired from not sleeping, so i just took another shower and figured I'd sleep later.

We met at Kubanito, where Leslie was working. The place was really crowded but we settled into a booth, and, since it was her last evening, I braced myself for what Chau said was gonna be a long night.

A few hours later, and after a round of Monacos and virgin pina coladas, we took a snack break and went across the street to buy lebanese food.

By 4:30 am, and a few more round of drinks and the acquaintance of Ignacio, an Italian interactive architect, we were the only ones left in the place. We waited for Leslie to finish closing up so we could walk her home, and started heading down the street when Ignacio asked, "Why don't you come over for panna cota?". Why not indeed. So resigning myself to no sleep for yet another evening, we all headed over to Ignacio's for dessert (breakfast?).

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