Thursday, July 31, 2008

So...How's the Weather?

The last few days have been incredibly warm and humid. It's the kind of weather where you have to change your shirt after lunch, and again before dinner. It almost reminds me of a New Orleans summer, but without the roaches. It seems the french do not believe in air conditioning (something about some king dying from a draft? Damn that royalty!), so I'm sleeping with my windows and door open to create a cross-breeze (not a good thing, since a nun walked in on me while I was sleeping inmodestly dressed. She just kept saying "desolee, desolee" as she ran down the hallway). Anyway, it's not really working, so I've just been staying up reading with my feet out the window.

Surprisingly, I still see people on the street wearing long sleeve shirts and sweaters. And I'm not sure how the nuns are surviving with their habits and all.

Right now, it's 1:00 am and it feels like there's a storm coming. Lightining's been flashing and there's some thunder. It's pretty cool. I miss thunderstorms since we never get them in San Francisco and I hope it starts raining soon so things cool down a little. Well, at least until I go lay out at Paris Plage. Bring on the Bain de Soleil!

1 comment:

Dene said...

Hot legs - wearin' me out;

Hot legs - you can scream and shout-!!!