Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Louvre Redux: Mona Lisa's Revenge

Sunday morning I went to pick up Juli to start our Sunday. The plan: walk to the Louvre, see the Mona Lisa, walk along the Tuilirie Gardens, and back along the Seine to the Marais for falafel.

So we walked along the Siene and stopped for a bit to look at the preparations for Paris Plage. The workers were setting up the cabanas, and there was already astroturf and sand on some sections. as well as babyfoot tables and exercise equipment. The whole thing sounds strange, but cool, and I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out.

We got to the Louvre and avoided the lines outside of the pyramid by getting our tickets and going in through the mall. Then we headed straight to the Mona Lisa. But even though it was early, the gallery was still really crowded. So we had to fight our way through the crowd to get close enough to take pictures. (It always surprises me how small the actual painting is. Just like it surprised me to see how big "The Raft of the Medusa" actually was). We jostled through an army of spanish tourists, who for some reason refused to move on their own, and goal achieved, we moved on for a quick jaunt through French Painting. The museum is just so big that it's better to take it in small doses.

From the Louvre we walked through the gardens to the Orangerie, then crossed over to walk on the quais. The weather was so warm that we decided to detour to Ile St. Louis for some ice cream before hitting the falafels.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, a nice snap of the Louvre, my you are getting so artistique!!!