Wednesday, July 9, 2008

La Vengeance

Yesterday in class we learned all about Revenge.

We started off discussing a series of drawings based on a poem by Jacques Prevert called "Dejeuner du Matin". The drawings show a couple having breakfast silently, and when the husband leaves for work, the woman starts crying.

We then had to conjecture what's going on in the story. The religious women said the man was angry at the woman and that the woman was crying because she was sorry. I said that he didn't look angry, but disenterested and was probably having an affair (though translated literally, I really said something like, "He no angry face, vague, he has other woman".

The three religious women were offended, surprise, and said that I always think the worse thing possible. Ha. They just said that because I always say the worse thing possible. Anyway, I was right, so take that religious women!

Some important things we learned that we will be on Wednesday's test:

* Une maitrenne: Lover-Female variety
* Un amant: Lover- Male variety
* Bruler toutes se chemises: Burn all his shirts
* Allumer un cuigarette: Light a cigarette
* Mettre une petite annonce sur Meetic: Put a sex ad in the internet
and my favorites
* Decider de me avenger: Decided to take my revenge
* Acheter de l'arsenic pour tuer mon mari: Buy arsenic to poison your spouse

Now that's how you make learning come alive. LOL After all, how many times does one actually go to la bibliotheque?

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