Tuesday, July 1, 2008


After a few days of hanging out with my sister in LA getting pants hemmed, dropping off the car, buying last minute must-haves, and non-stop eating (including consumption of "special" heart skewers, fried smelt, iron-skillet cornbread with jalapeno jelly, roasted quail eggs, and peanut butter & jelly donuts), poor Gaby and Amir dropped me off at 5am at LAX, probably...hmmm...10 lbs. heavier.

The flight to Boston was uneventful other than the fact that they showed that movie "Penelope". The one where Christina Ricci has a pig nose but you can't tell the difference. And that I saw some cool lighthouses from the plane window.

Then, I got Karmic retribution for trying to convince my grandma that Sunday was actually Monday in an effort to avoid going to church, by:

1) Having to sit next to a really obnoxious guy who had "never flown in coach before" who proceeded to take enough sleeping pills to knock himself out for the whole flight and drool over my seat.


2) Finding out that the in-flight movies were "27 Dresses" and "Secondhand Lions", with the kid from the sixth sense. I almost stole some sleeping pills from my neighbor.

Thankfully, we landed safely at Charles de Gaulle, had a super easy customs experience and found my shuttle.

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