Monday, July 7, 2008

Sunday Breakfast

I had a rough night. First of all, I couldn't sleep, and then the girls from the other program tried to sneak boys into the dorm at 3:30 am. But amateurs that they are, they made so much noise I'm surprised the nuns didn't swoop down, rosaries in hand, and make everybody do jumping jacks or say Hail Marys. Or do jumping jacks while saying Hail Marys. Nuns always have the most interesting punishments.

My grandma told me once that when she was in convent school, one of their punishments was to kneel on uncooked rice while saying prayers. She got mad when I asked her if they shouldn't have been giving that rice to the poor. But I digress.

By 5am, I was feeling a little unwell and finally went to bed. I woke up exhausted, and with shin splints, definitely feeling the fallout from my ambitious day of walking. So naturally I went for a little walk.

Since on Sunday all the shops are closed and it was too late to go to a museum, I settled for getting some lunch. I walked to the St. Germain Creperie, and got a cheese and ham crepe. It was good, but my stomach wasn't having it. Crepes are better when they're filled with Nutella, so I figured it would be in my best interest to get a small pastry to help settle it.

I ended up at Laduree, on Rue Bonaparte. It was late-ish in the afternoon, so it wasn't too crowded. I bought a Baba au Rum and Religeuse Rose, which were then packed in individual kelly green boxes and then placed in a little matching shopping bag.
I went back to the dorm to finish eating, and with the full intention of going jogging before dinner. I got ready for my run and then decided to take a quick nap instead. When I woke up, it was time to meet Patrice for diiner.

The Religeuse Rose is the one on the front, and it was filled with custard. It was delicious, other than the fact that I almost broke a tooth on the silver non-pareil. The one in back is the Baba au Rum. It was very rummy, and used to have a strawberry on top, but I ate it before I decided to take pictures.

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