Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Juli, my friend from London came for the weekend to visit and it was great to see her.

I took the metro to the Gare du Nord to meet her Eurostar, and man things have changed. It was nothing like I remembered. Granted I hadn't been to there since my first trip to Paris almost 20 years ago, and that time I also got lost and ended up in a street full of hookers, but still. After about 15 minutes of wandering about I finally saw the arrows that led to the gate, and after going through 3 gates and two flights of stairs I found her. Embarrassingly late as I was, she was polite enough not to mention it too much. Hee hee.

We took the RER to her hotel in the Marais, which was probably narrowest hotel I've ever seen. We hardly even fit in the elevator with her bags. But her room was adorable, and it was located on a street called Rue de Bourg Tibourg, which Juli said sounded like something the Swedish Chef would say.

We pretty much took it easy the rest of the night so we could get an early-ish start the next day. We just went for kirs and then had burgers (delicious french burgers no less) at a restaurant called Le Gars Au Cuisine. I also had a really good strawberries with fromage blanc and balsamic vinegar, and ate a large protion of Juli's creme brulee trio.

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