Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Class- 1st Day

First day of class was cool. My professor looks like Julie Delpy and my classmates are interestingly motley. Among them:

  • Barbara- Biblical student from Poland whose foot started bleeding suddenly. It wasn't stigmata.
  • Cecile & Anne-Theology students from Vietnam. They may be studying to be nuns. At least they look like nuns.
  • Manzoor & Chazanfar-Biologists from India.
  • Teresinha- Brazilian lawyer, mother of two, likes Leonardo diCaprio and samba but won't dance it.
  • Tien Chien- Basketball-playing interior deisgn student from Taiwan.
  • Elizabeth- 20-year-old American wondering if it was okay to sleep with her cute host "brother".
  • Valeria-Russian PR student. She looks like a James Bond spy.
  • Vachik-Turkish Theology student who likes Italian pop and Irish Dancing.
  • Ashley-College sophomore San Diegan who loves Billy Joel. And..
  • Venus & Morit-Chinese exchange students. Venus loves chocolate.
The whole class was in French and we did a couple of fun exercises, and Tien Chien was excited when I guessed Kobe Bryant during one of our games so I told him that "le chien de ma soeur s'appelle Kobe".

At the end of class, Barbara-of-the-bleeding-foot started telling me about some student restaurant. Our french is crappy, so I'm sure there was stuff lost in translation, but I'm hoping she's not some moonie.

Oh, and we have homework. :(

1 comment:

p f martinez said...

le blog en francais, sweetie!