Friday, September 5, 2008

Prepping for London

I spent the rest of the night preparing for the trip. First, I called Juli to see if she was going to be around, luckily she was and immediately asked if I wanted to go see The Dark Knight with her, but then was kinda bummed that I was only coming for the day. Since my train back to Paris left at 9pm, and she had plans in the afternoon, it meant no time for movies. But still, we planned on getting together for early dinner. Not that I was looking forward to steak-and-kidney pies and english muffins and stuff, but more for the conversation.

Right after I hung up, I rethought the situation. I mean, what better reason to go to London than to watch a movie with Juli. Also, Gina has just emailed me to tell me how good the movie was and it wasn't coming to Paris until I left. So what the bloody hell? So I called Juli back and we made a date with Batman. I figured I'd wander around London until the morning train, but Juli graciously offered me her couch for the night.

Considering that at home I avoid even going as far as Daly City, or the Marina, for movies, I felt completely decadent (which is a feeling I don't necessarily hate lol).

I also emailed Emmanuelle's friend John, whom she'd always wanted me to meet. Since Juli wasn't going to be available until after 5pm, I wrote him and asked if he was free for lunch.

I spent a good part of the rest of the night talking to Raymond. He had gone downstairs to use the computer and had been accosted by a pack of japanese, who then peer-pressured him into drinking numerous shots of whiskey. He was a little confused by the fact that I was leaving again. And for such a short amount of time. Not sure if he was sad to see me go, or upset that he wouldn't have the room to himself for longer. Hmmmm.

After he finally passed out while telling me some story about a girl and geometry, I packed my tote with London overnight essentials (toothbrush, t-shirt, change of underwear, chocolate bars, iPod, umbrella, sweater and camera) for the trip and tried to not fall asleep so I wouldn't miss the early 6am metro to the Gare du Nord.

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