After checking the schedule and ascertaining that a good group was playing, we walked downstairs, wine and snacks in hand, to meet the group. It was Mister Older Gentleman, Older Lady with Hat, Mikiko, Raymond and I, as it seemed the rest of the group got to drinking very quickly after dinner and were now too groggy to go anywhere.
After a very rushed trip on the subway, with us running after a surprisingly spry Mr. OG, we made it to the Seine, and found a nice place to settle. I'm always impressed by the japanese foresight, as as soon as we opened the wine, a blanket came out, little Hello Kitty cups appeared, and little plates were passed around for the rice cracker and cofee cake snacks. All I had was some plastic cups that Don left for me in case I went to a picnic. And my wine and gummi coke bottles were rejected as appropriate. But whatever, more gummi for me.
Pete and the Pirates were really good, almost better than on CD. But since all their songs are about 2 minute slong, they were done relatively quickly. So we stopped for ice cream and then, once home and in a fit of inspiration (or restlessness) I bought a ticket to London for the next morning. And thus my third night with no sleep.
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